How to Choose the BEST English Language School in the USA
33 Key Questions to Help You Decide Which School is Best for You
Authorhouse, 2006
325 pp. ISBN 1-4259-3480-3
2007 Eric Hoffer Award
"A jewel of a book: Important questions that really need to be asked are presented in the reader's native language AND English; each question is accompanied by a detailed, sample answer, along with helpful internet sites and photos - there's even space to record answers! One of the best marketing tools to come out of the USA...I recommend the book to every client!" - S. T., international student advisor and agent
As an educator, linguist and subsequent language acquisition expert, I've been often asked what the BEST English language school
in the USA is. Less frequently, but more importantly, I'm ask WHY I
think one school is actually better than another, and that is the topic
of this unusual book that I wrote in association with Mr. Joel Weaver,
then Director of Intercultural Communications College (ICC), Honolulu,
Hawaii - "the BEST English language school in the world!" We were
asked so many times by so many people, we decide to put it down into a
* The first thing we decided was that it should honestly
address conventional points that are widely-accepted as having a real
and direct impact on language acquisition success.
* A close
second considereation was that it should use reasoning, logic and
include positive examples as actually practiced at an existing language
* The third was that it should be written in the
student's native language (since, after all, one wouldn't be looking
for the best Englilsh language school if one had already acquired a
sufficient level of English to read the book in academic English).
* Fourth, it needed to address not just study but outstanding usage of English in a variety of different situations.
* Finally, we both felt strongly that it should also include non-conventional points that might lead a student to not just more information
about English and America, but to greater individual knowledge and
wisdom - a larger viewpoint - one that would transform their lives as
well as their English ability.
After much discussion, we decided to turn for examples to the institution we knew best - ICC.