In academia, teaching, publication and community service are considered equally important. Over the years, I'm proud to have obtained an academic rank of Associate Professor, though, in the "new world" of academic education, these ranks are often supplanted by the more equitable single title of "Instructor."
Community Service
2013 Editor, Bellwether Messages: 2013 Savant Poetry Anthology.
2012 Editor, Fifty-Eight Stones: 2012 Savant Poetry Anthology.
2011 Argosy University Hawaii PhD Committee Member for "An Investigation of Governance Practices in Non-Profit Organizations".
05-13 Founding Member and Senior Advisor of Neurobiological Learning (NL) Society (President 2006).
05-07 Reviewer, Journal of the American Association of Integrative Medicine (JAAIM; now Annals of Psychotherapy and Integrative Health).
04/07 to 12/07 Director, Mental Health Section, American Association of Integrative Medicine, Springfield,MO
99 Member of the Board of Directors of the International Ballroom Dance Club, Honolulu, HI
98, 07 Member of the Board of Directors for the USA Dance Hawaii (formerly United States Amateur Ballroom Dancers Association), Honolulu, HI
97, 07 - Executive Producer “Clean Water, Common Ground” (Winner of two 2007 Telly Awards for Nature/Wildlife Documentary and Documentary)
96-98 Organizer of University Dancesport Challenge, University of Hawaii Manoa, Honolulu HI
95-99 Founder of and Faculty Advisor to the Dance Sport Club at University of Hawaii Manoa
95-96 Member, Board of Directors, International Ballroom Dance Association
95-96 Mentor, NASA Space Grant College at University of Hawaii Leeward Community College, Pearl City HI
95-96 Mentor, University of Hawaii Manoa School of Ocean and Earth Studies Marine Options Program, Honolulu HI
94 Writer, Producer "Into the Light: Recovery from Sexual Abuse" KGMB TV Channel 9, Honolulu HI
94, 95 Ecology/Water Quality Science Fair Judge for Kaiaka-Waialua Hydrologic Unit Area Project Water Quality Awards, Central Oahu and Hawaii Engineering and Science Fair, Honolulu HI
93-96 Water Quality Consultant to US EPA/State of Hawaii Water Quality Program (Nonpoint Source Pollution), Honolulu, HI
93-96 Environmental Water Quality Consultant to Hawaii's Regional Watershed Projects, HI
93-95 Editor of Kaiaka-Waialua Hydrologic Unit Area Environmental Newsletter, Cooperative Extension Service, Honolulu HI
93-91 Founding Editor, Intitute for Advanced Studies in Life Support NewsLetter
93 Critical Reviewer, Hawaii Water Quality Program, Honolulu HI
93 Critical Reviewer, University of Hawaii Water Quality Program, Honolulu HI
93 Critical Reviewer, Soil Nutrient and Water Quality Measurement and Management, Agricultural Diagnostic Service Center, University of Hawaii at Manoa College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources
90-95 Founding member and first President of Institute for Advanced Studies in Life Support
90 Joint USSR/US Aerospace Medicine and Human Factors Delegate, USSR Academy of Sciences and US Citizen Ambassador Program International, Leningrad/Moscow/Baikonar USSR
90 Organizing Committee Member for Life Sciences and Life Support Session of the l990 Intersociety Conference on Environmental Systems.
90 Organizer and Moderator for Second Life Support Researchers Workshop, Consortium for Space Life Sciences, University of Alabama Huntsville
89 United States Delegate, Representative for University of Alabama Huntsville Consortium for Space Life Sciences, and Select Committee member for International Resolution on Biospherics at Second International Workshop on Closed Ecological Systems, Institute of Biophysics, USSR Academy of Sciences Siberian Division, Krasnoyarsk, USSR
89 Organizer and Moderator of the First Life Support Researchers Workshop, Consortium for Space Life Sciences, University of Alabama Huntsville
88-93 Member of the Human Interaction (formerly Military Man in Space) Subcommittee and the Life Sciences and Life Support Committee, American Institute of Astronautics and Aeronautics
83 to 92 Asia/South Pacific, Polar/American and European Environmental Officer & Epidemiologist Billet Training and Certification, United States Naval Reserve Forces, San Francisco CA
87, 85 Asia/South Pacific Ship and Shorebase Environmental Officer Active Duty Billet Training and Certification, Naval Environmental & Preventive Medicine Unit #6, Pearl Harbor HI
87 Invited Reviewer of NASA/Johnson Space Center Proposal for Environmental Health Monitoring Subsystem for Space Station
86 Department of Defense AIDS Research Consulting Epidemiologist, former Naval Medical Research Institute (now Naval Medical Research Center), Washington DC
86 Invited Reviewer of Clean Air, Clean Water, and Toxic Waste/Superfund, Report of United States Conference of Local Health Officers Task Force
85 Undersea Vessel Life Support Systems Training, former Undersea Medical Research Laboratory (now Naval Submarine Medical Research Center), Groton CT
85 US Naval Space Force Life Support and Sciences Training, Naval Environmental Health Center (Naval Environmental & Preventive Medicine Unit #2), Norfolk VA
85 Polar/USSR/Americas Ship Environmental Officer Familiarization and Training, Naval Environmental & Preventive Medicine Unit #5, San Diego CA
84 Europe/Asia Ship Environmental Officer & Epidemiologist Active Duty Billet Training and Certification, Naval Environmental & Preventive Medicine Unit #7, Naples Italy
84 Co-director and faculty participant for Providence Hospital Continuing Medical Education
Seminar on Computing for Physicians (Human/Machine Integration), Anchorage, AK
84 Workshop moderator for Governor's Safety and Health Conference (Workshop on Air Pollution), Anchorage, AK
84 Organizer, director, plenary speaker, faculty participant and workshop moderator for Cetus Systems Corporation Seminar on Defining NICU Databases, Judd Lake, AK
83 Co-director, plenary speaker, faculty participant and workshop leader for Providence Hospital Continuing Medical Education Seminar on Computers and Microcomputers for Physicians' Offices, Anchorage, AK
83 Faculty participant and panel moderator for International Earthquake Conference (Public Health Services and Facilities), Los Angeles, CA
82 Faculty participant and workshop leader for Richland Memorial Hospital Neonatal Symposium on Current Neonatal Care Concepts, Columbia, SC
80 Faculty participant and workshop leader for Wisconsin Association for Perinatal Care Conference on Perinatal Data Systems, Milwaukee, WI
79 Panel discussant for NIH Consensus Development Conference on the Use of Microprocessor-based "Intelligent" Machines in Patient Care, Silver Springs, MD
79 Faculty participant for Health Services Administration Workshop on Regional Emergency Medical Services, Denver, CO
2013 Editor, Bellwether Messages: 2013 Savant Poetry Anthology.
2012 Editor, Fifty-Eight Stones: 2012 Savant Poetry Anthology.
2011 Argosy University Hawaii PhD Committee Member for "An Investigation of Governance Practices in Non-Profit Organizations".
05-13 Founding Member and Senior Advisor of Neurobiological Learning (NL) Society (President 2006).
05-07 Reviewer, Journal of the American Association of Integrative Medicine (JAAIM; now Annals of Psychotherapy and Integrative Health).
04/07 to 12/07 Director, Mental Health Section, American Association of Integrative Medicine, Springfield,MO
99 Member of the Board of Directors of the International Ballroom Dance Club, Honolulu, HI
98, 07 Member of the Board of Directors for the USA Dance Hawaii (formerly United States Amateur Ballroom Dancers Association), Honolulu, HI
97, 07 - Executive Producer “Clean Water, Common Ground” (Winner of two 2007 Telly Awards for Nature/Wildlife Documentary and Documentary)
96-98 Organizer of University Dancesport Challenge, University of Hawaii Manoa, Honolulu HI
95-99 Founder of and Faculty Advisor to the Dance Sport Club at University of Hawaii Manoa
95-96 Member, Board of Directors, International Ballroom Dance Association
95-96 Mentor, NASA Space Grant College at University of Hawaii Leeward Community College, Pearl City HI
95-96 Mentor, University of Hawaii Manoa School of Ocean and Earth Studies Marine Options Program, Honolulu HI
94 Writer, Producer "Into the Light: Recovery from Sexual Abuse" KGMB TV Channel 9, Honolulu HI
94, 95 Ecology/Water Quality Science Fair Judge for Kaiaka-Waialua Hydrologic Unit Area Project Water Quality Awards, Central Oahu and Hawaii Engineering and Science Fair, Honolulu HI
93-96 Water Quality Consultant to US EPA/State of Hawaii Water Quality Program (Nonpoint Source Pollution), Honolulu, HI
93-96 Environmental Water Quality Consultant to Hawaii's Regional Watershed Projects, HI
93-95 Editor of Kaiaka-Waialua Hydrologic Unit Area Environmental Newsletter, Cooperative Extension Service, Honolulu HI
93-91 Founding Editor, Intitute for Advanced Studies in Life Support NewsLetter
93 Critical Reviewer, Hawaii Water Quality Program, Honolulu HI
93 Critical Reviewer, University of Hawaii Water Quality Program, Honolulu HI
93 Critical Reviewer, Soil Nutrient and Water Quality Measurement and Management, Agricultural Diagnostic Service Center, University of Hawaii at Manoa College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources
90-95 Founding member and first President of Institute for Advanced Studies in Life Support
90 Joint USSR/US Aerospace Medicine and Human Factors Delegate, USSR Academy of Sciences and US Citizen Ambassador Program International, Leningrad/Moscow/Baikonar USSR
90 Organizing Committee Member for Life Sciences and Life Support Session of the l990 Intersociety Conference on Environmental Systems.
90 Organizer and Moderator for Second Life Support Researchers Workshop, Consortium for Space Life Sciences, University of Alabama Huntsville
89 United States Delegate, Representative for University of Alabama Huntsville Consortium for Space Life Sciences, and Select Committee member for International Resolution on Biospherics at Second International Workshop on Closed Ecological Systems, Institute of Biophysics, USSR Academy of Sciences Siberian Division, Krasnoyarsk, USSR
89 Organizer and Moderator of the First Life Support Researchers Workshop, Consortium for Space Life Sciences, University of Alabama Huntsville
88-93 Member of the Human Interaction (formerly Military Man in Space) Subcommittee and the Life Sciences and Life Support Committee, American Institute of Astronautics and Aeronautics
83 to 92 Asia/South Pacific, Polar/American and European Environmental Officer & Epidemiologist Billet Training and Certification, United States Naval Reserve Forces, San Francisco CA
87, 85 Asia/South Pacific Ship and Shorebase Environmental Officer Active Duty Billet Training and Certification, Naval Environmental & Preventive Medicine Unit #6, Pearl Harbor HI
87 Invited Reviewer of NASA/Johnson Space Center Proposal for Environmental Health Monitoring Subsystem for Space Station
86 Department of Defense AIDS Research Consulting Epidemiologist, former Naval Medical Research Institute (now Naval Medical Research Center), Washington DC
86 Invited Reviewer of Clean Air, Clean Water, and Toxic Waste/Superfund, Report of United States Conference of Local Health Officers Task Force
85 Undersea Vessel Life Support Systems Training, former Undersea Medical Research Laboratory (now Naval Submarine Medical Research Center), Groton CT
85 US Naval Space Force Life Support and Sciences Training, Naval Environmental Health Center (Naval Environmental & Preventive Medicine Unit #2), Norfolk VA
85 Polar/USSR/Americas Ship Environmental Officer Familiarization and Training, Naval Environmental & Preventive Medicine Unit #5, San Diego CA
84 Europe/Asia Ship Environmental Officer & Epidemiologist Active Duty Billet Training and Certification, Naval Environmental & Preventive Medicine Unit #7, Naples Italy
84 Co-director and faculty participant for Providence Hospital Continuing Medical Education
Seminar on Computing for Physicians (Human/Machine Integration), Anchorage, AK
84 Workshop moderator for Governor's Safety and Health Conference (Workshop on Air Pollution), Anchorage, AK
84 Organizer, director, plenary speaker, faculty participant and workshop moderator for Cetus Systems Corporation Seminar on Defining NICU Databases, Judd Lake, AK
83 Co-director, plenary speaker, faculty participant and workshop leader for Providence Hospital Continuing Medical Education Seminar on Computers and Microcomputers for Physicians' Offices, Anchorage, AK
83 Faculty participant and panel moderator for International Earthquake Conference (Public Health Services and Facilities), Los Angeles, CA
82 Faculty participant and workshop leader for Richland Memorial Hospital Neonatal Symposium on Current Neonatal Care Concepts, Columbia, SC
80 Faculty participant and workshop leader for Wisconsin Association for Perinatal Care Conference on Perinatal Data Systems, Milwaukee, WI
79 Panel discussant for NIH Consensus Development Conference on the Use of Microprocessor-based "Intelligent" Machines in Patient Care, Silver Springs, MD
79 Faculty participant for Health Services Administration Workshop on Regional Emergency Medical Services, Denver, CO
Former Neurobiological Learning Society (Founding Member; President 06-10)
International Association of Teachers of English Foreign Language
Former Hawaii Teachers of English as a Second Language
Phi Delta Kappa
National Educators Assn
National Association for Interpretation
Former Hawaii Environmental Educators Association
California Native Plant Society
American College of Preventive Medicine (Fellow)
American Association of Integrative Medicine (Fellow)
Aerospace Medical Association
Association for Psychological Science
Public Health:
Alaska Public Health Association (Life Member)
American Public Health Association
Canadian Public Health Association
Sigma Xi
Former Institute for Adv Studies in Life Support (Founder/President) 90-92
Former American Assoc for Med Systems & Informatics (now American Medical Informatics Association - Founding Member)
American Institute of Astronautics and Aeronautics (Senior Member)
New York Academy of Sciences
European Low Gravity Research Association
Western Society for Pediatric Research
Competitive Dancesport Member of USA Dance
Member Pan-Pacific Ballroom Dance Association, Honolulu, HI
Member of International Ballroom Dance Association, Honolulu, HI
Member Ilima Dance Club, Honolulu, HI
Member of Aiea Dance Club, Honolulu, HI
Former Amateur Dancesport Competitor, National Dance Council of America
Former Neurobiological Learning Society (Founding Member; President 06-10)
International Association of Teachers of English Foreign Language
Former Hawaii Teachers of English as a Second Language
Phi Delta Kappa
National Educators Assn
National Association for Interpretation
Former Hawaii Environmental Educators Association
California Native Plant Society
American College of Preventive Medicine (Fellow)
American Association of Integrative Medicine (Fellow)
Aerospace Medical Association
Association for Psychological Science
Public Health:
Alaska Public Health Association (Life Member)
American Public Health Association
Canadian Public Health Association
Sigma Xi
Former Institute for Adv Studies in Life Support (Founder/President) 90-92
Former American Assoc for Med Systems & Informatics (now American Medical Informatics Association - Founding Member)
American Institute of Astronautics and Aeronautics (Senior Member)
New York Academy of Sciences
European Low Gravity Research Association
Western Society for Pediatric Research
Competitive Dancesport Member of USA Dance
Member Pan-Pacific Ballroom Dance Association, Honolulu, HI
Member of International Ballroom Dance Association, Honolulu, HI
Member Ilima Dance Club, Honolulu, HI
Member of Aiea Dance Club, Honolulu, HI
Former Amateur Dancesport Competitor, National Dance Council of America
Community Service Recognition
13 Animals, Animals, Animals Book Festival Award
11, 13 London Book Festival Award, London, England
11 Hollywood Book Festival Award, Hollywood, CA
07-08 International Poet Fellow, Noble House Publishers, UK
07, 08, 09 Editor’s Choice Award, Open Poetry Contest by
05 New Millenium Writer’s Contest Award for Nonfiction Short Story
04, 05, 06 Swathmore Who’s Who
03, 10 America’s Top Physicians in "Guide to America's Top Physicians"
03 Eric Hoffer Writer's Award x2
03 Physician Recognition Award, American Medical Association
98-07 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th places in International Standard and Latin Adult Dancesport Competitions, Categories A and B. University of Hawaii at Manoa Dancesport Challenge, Aloha State Games, Hawaii Star Ball, Honolulu, HI, and Embassy Ball, Los Angeles CA
96 Honolulu City/County Mayor's Award for Outstanding Environmental Educator
95-98 1st , 2nd, 3rd and 5th places in American Smooth and Rhythm Adult Dancesport Competition, Categories A and B. University of Hawaii Dancesport Challenge, Aloha State Games, Honolulu, HI
13 Animals, Animals, Animals Book Festival Award
11, 13 London Book Festival Award, London, England
11 Hollywood Book Festival Award, Hollywood, CA
07-08 International Poet Fellow, Noble House Publishers, UK
07, 08, 09 Editor’s Choice Award, Open Poetry Contest by
05 New Millenium Writer’s Contest Award for Nonfiction Short Story
04, 05, 06 Swathmore Who’s Who
03, 10 America’s Top Physicians in "Guide to America's Top Physicians"
03 Eric Hoffer Writer's Award x2
03 Physician Recognition Award, American Medical Association
98-07 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th places in International Standard and Latin Adult Dancesport Competitions, Categories A and B. University of Hawaii at Manoa Dancesport Challenge, Aloha State Games, Hawaii Star Ball, Honolulu, HI, and Embassy Ball, Los Angeles CA
96 Honolulu City/County Mayor's Award for Outstanding Environmental Educator
95-98 1st , 2nd, 3rd and 5th places in American Smooth and Rhythm Adult Dancesport Competition, Categories A and B. University of Hawaii Dancesport Challenge, Aloha State Games, Honolulu, HI
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