In academia, the old adage "Publish or perish!" still retains is meaning and importance. Listed here are both my academic and non-academic publications, major and minor, followed by key presentations.
Janik, D. S. and Weaver J. (2006). How to Choose the BEST English Language School in the USA (softcover edition) (Kindle edition). Bloomington: AuthorHouse - 2007 Eric Hoffer Award.
Janik, D. S. (2004). A Neurobiological Theory and Methodology of Language Acquisition (softcover edition). Munich: Lincom Europa - 2007 NLS Choice Book Award.
Janik, D. S. (2005). Unlock the Genius Within: Neurobiological Trauma, Teaching and Transformative Learning. (softcover edition) (Kindle edition). Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Education - 2007 Eric Hoffer Award and 2007 NLS Choice Book Award
Janik, D. S. A Neurobiological Theory and Methodology of Language Acquisition (Doctoral Dissertation). Bircham University Press, Madrid, Epana, European Union, 2003. Imprinted in USA by Graphic Bookbinders.
Janik, D. S. (2002). TOEFL II Mentor Resources (9 vols). Honolulu: ICC.
Janik, D. S. with Bills M.. (2001). The TOEFL II Student Study Guide (3rd Edition). Honolulu: ICC.
Janik, D. S. (2000). TOEFL by Internet [CD with Online resources]. Honolulu: ICC.
Crump, W.J. and Janik, D. S. (1997). "Introduction to [Space] Life Support Systems" in Churchill, S. E. (1997). Fundamentals of Space Life Sciences. (2-Volume hardcover). Malabar: Krieger
Janik, D. S. (1992). "Space Microbiology" under "Spacecraft Habitation and Life Support Bacteriology" in Anon: Encyclopedia of Science and Technology Vol 17. (20-volume hardcover). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Janik, D. S. et al (1992). Biologically Reclaiming Water for Use on Earth and in Space. In Crump, W. J., Doll S., and Humphries W. R. (Eds): Proceedings of the First International Conference on Life Support and Biospherics (University of Alabama, Huntsville AL, 1992).
Janik, D. S., DeMarco, J. J., Krishnan, S, and Benson, B. L. (1991). Preliminary Assessment of Biologically-Reclaimed Water - SAE Tech Paper #911326. Warrendale: SAE International.
Macler, B. A., Janik, D. S., and Benson, B. L. (1990). Quality assessment of plant transpiration water - SAE Tech Paper #901230, Warrendale: SAE International. Also published as NASA Technical Report #19900062246 and in J Aerosp Transact 99: 516 .
Janik, D. S. and DeMarco, J. J. (1990). Engineering Testbed for Biological Water/Air Reclamation and Recycling - SAE Tech Paper #901231. Warrendale: SAE International.
Crump, W. J., Thomas, D. L., and Janik, D. S. (1990). Human Subjects Concerns in ground based ECLSS Testing: Managing Uncertainty in Closely Recycled Systems - SAE Tech Paper #901251. Warrendale: SAE International.
Janik, D. S. et al: (1989). Problems in water recycling for space station and long-duration Life Support. J Aerosp Transact 98: 952
Janik, D. S. et al. (1989). Problems in Water Recycling for Space Station and Long-Duration Life Support - SAE Tech Paper #891539. Warrendale: SAE International. Also published in J Aerosp Transact 98: 952.
Janik, D. S. (1989). Naval Manned Space Program. US Nav Institute Proc Jul; 115: 95.
Janik, D. S. et al. (1989). Effect of iodine disinfection products on higher plants. Adv Space Res 9: 117. Also published as NASA Technical Report #19900028383.
Janik, D. S., Macler, B. A., and MacElroy, R. D. (1988). Effect of Iodine Disinfection Products on Higher Plants. Am Soc for Space Grav Biol. Poster Presentation.
Janik, D. S., Macler, B. A., and MacElroy, R. D. (1988). Effect of Iodine Disinfected Water on Soy Bean Seed. Proc Am Soc Grav Space Biol 4: 39.
Niesen, A. S., Janik, D. S., and Bates, J. (1988). Childhood Obesity in a Subarctic Community. Clin Res 36 (1): 225A.
Janik, D. (1988). Plant Seedling Response to Iodinated Water. Water and Food Laboratory Test Report PI2 dtd 17 Feb 88.
Janik, D. S., Sauer, R. L., and Thorstenson, Y. R. (1987). Medical effects of iodine disinfection products in spacecraft water - SAE Techn Paper #871490. Warrendale: SAE International. Also published as Cetus Tech Report #B01-86 and in J. Aerosp Transact 96: 689.
Janik, D. S., Sauer, R. L., Pierson, D. L., and Thorstenson, Y. R. (1987). Quality Requirements for Reclaimed/Recycled Water - NASA Tech Memo #58279. Houston: NASA-Johnson Space Center and as NASA Technical Report #19870017959.
Janik, D. S. (1986). Defining Reclaimed Water Potability Requirements. NASA Technical Report #19860021950, 1 Jul. Also published in Aerosp Med Biol 86 Dec (S291): 410 and as NTIS Report #N86-31422. Available in a bound book edition and B&N Nook edition.
Janik, D. S. and Sharp, E. M. (1984). A computerized system for recording, reporting and researching data for newborn intensive care units (NICUs) transferable to most sites, in Lindberg, D. A. B. and Reichertz, P. L. (eds). Lecture Notes in Medical Informatics (Vol 24). Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Janik, D. S. et al (1983). The Cost of Medical Computing. In van Bemmel, J. H.,, Ball, M. M. and Wigertz, O. (eds). MEDINFO-83. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science
Janik, D. S. and Sharp, E. M. (1982). A Practical NICU Computer System - The Cetus System 100. In
Harris, T. R. and Bahr, J. P. (eds). The Use of Computers in Perinatal Medicine. New York: Praeger
Janik, D. S. et al. (1980). Computerized newborn intensive care data recording, reporting and research III - A practical microcomputer system. J Pediatr Sept; 97: 497. Summary on Neonatology on the Web.
Janik, D. S. et al (1979). Computerized newborn intensive care data recording and reporting II - An online system. J Pediatr Feb; 94:328. Summary on Neonatology on the Web.
Janik, D. S. et al (1978). A computerized single entry system for recording and reporting data on high-risk newborns. J Pediatr Sept; 93: 519. Summary on Neonatology on the Web.
Mace, J. W. et al (1977). Penicillin-resistent pneumococcal meningitis in an immunocompromised infant. J Pediatr Sept; 91: 506
Janik, D. (2007). What Every Language Teacher Should Know About the Brain and How It Affects Teaching. Proc Vikipeda 2007, Helsinki, Finland
Janik, D, et al. (2005). Neurobiological, Transformational and Disquisitional Learning. JAAIM Online Aug: no page [Adobe.pdf download]
Janik, D,, Bills, M., Saito, M. H., and Widjaja, C. (2005). Neurobiological and Transformational Learning. Transactions in Adv Res Jul; 1 (2): 19
Janik, D. S. et al: (1993-5). State of the Water: Joint Report of the Kaiaka-Waialua Hydrologic Unit Area Project Agencies and Cooperators. Honolulu: Oahu County Cooperative Extension Service
Janik, D. S. (1994). Biospheric Science (editorial). Life Supp & Biospher Sci Jun 2:14.
Janik, D. S. (1994). Biospherics (editorial). Life Supp & Biospher Sci Jan 1:12.
Janik, D. S. (1993). Women and Water. Zipline Summer 10 (2):1.
Janik, D. S. (1991). Report on Visit to Optico-Electronics and Holography Laboratory at AF-JOFFE Physical Technical Institute of USSR Academy of Sciences, Leningrad, Russia, USSR. In Austin, F. H. and Maio, D. A. Journal of the Citizen Ambassador Program Aerospace Medicine Delegation - Soviet Union 1-18 April 1990. Washington D. C.: Citizen Ambassador Program
Janik, D. S. (1991). Report on Conversations with Dr. (Col) Tarasov at Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center, Star City, Russia, USSR. In Austin, F. H. and Maio, D. A. Journal of the Citizen Ambassador Program Aerospace Medicine Delegation - Soviet Union 1-18 April 1990. Washington D. C.: Citizen Ambassador Program
Janik, D. S. (1991). Recycled Water. In Austin, F. H. and Maio, D. A. Journal of the Citizen Ambassador Program Aerospace Medicine Delegation - Soviet Union 1-18 April 1990. Washington D. C.: Citizen Ambassador Program
Janik, D. (1991). President's Greeting. IASLS Newsletter Apr: 1:1.
Macler, B. A., Janik, D. S. and Benson, B. (1989). Potability of plant transpiration water. Am Soc Grav Space Biol Bul Dec: 3: 67
Janik, D. S., Macler, B. A., and MacElroy, R. D. (1988). Effect of Iodine Disinfection Products on Higher Plants. Am Soc for Grav and Space Biol Poster.
Nishioka S, Janik, D. S. and Macler, B. A.. (1989). Iodine Experiments: Corn - Life Support Research Laboratory Report #89B Moffett Field: NASA-Ames Research Center
Nishioka S,, Janik, D. S. and Macler, B. A. (1989). Effects of Iodine on Plants - Life Support Research Laboratory Report #89A. Moffett Field: NASA-Ames Research Center, Moffet Field
Janik, D. S. (1988). Biomedical significance of microbial growth in granular activated carbon (GAC) beds. Proc Prog Chem Disinf Apr; 4: 211
Janik, D. S., Macler,B. A. and MacElroy, R. D. (1988). Effect of Iodine Disinfected Water on Soy Bean Seed Germination. Proc Am Soc for Grav Space Biol Oct; 4: 39
Janik, D. S., Thorstenson, Y. R. and Sauer, R. L. (1988). Controlling confounding environmental factors for spaceflight microgravity experiments. Am Soc Grav Space Biol Bull May; 1: 32
Janik, D. S. (1988). Plant Seedling Response to Iodinated Water - Water and Food Laboratory (WAFL) Test Report #PI2. Houston: NASA-Johnson Space Center
Janik, D. S. (1988). Biomedical significance of microbial growth in granular activated carbon (GAC) beds. Proc Prog Chem Disinf Apr; 4: 211
Niesen, A. S., Janik, D. S. and Bates, J. (1988). Childhood obesity in a subarctic community. Clin Res Jan; 36: 225
Janik, D. S. (1987). Microbiological Growth on Activated Carbon from Reclaimed Water System - Water and Food Laboratory Test Report #BGAC. Houston: NASA-Johnson Space Center
Janik, D. S. (1987). Ideal and as-used Maximal Adsorptive Capacities of 12 Activated Carbons for a Low Molecular Weight Organic Analog in Water - Water and Food Laboratory Test Report #10ACS Houston: NASA-Johnson Space Center
Janik. D. S., Thorstenson, Y. R. and Sauer, R. L. (1987). Controlling confounding environmental factors for spaceflight microgravity experiments. Proc Am Soc Grav Space Biol Oct 19; 3: 32
Janik, D. S. (1987). Presumptive Evidence for the Possible Overestimation of Potable Water Iodine Disinfection Ability by Iodine Residual Tests - Water and Food Laboratory Test Report #1PIW. Houston: NASA-Johnson Space Center
Janik, D. S. et al. (1986). The Importance of Unknowns in Epidemiologic Studies - Univ of Utah Tech Reports #UUCS-95-ll6. Salt Lake City: Univ of Utah Department of Comp Sci, also published in Clin Res Jan: 34: 124.
Janik, D. S. et al. (1985). Infant high chair accidents. Clin Res Feb; 33: 120
Janik, D. S., Forbush, L., and Jung, A. L. (1984). How good is our prenatal screening? Clin Res Feb; 32: 124
Rodgers, J. et al. (1983). Disease reporting halts major Salmonella epidemic. Epid Bul (Ak) Dec 30; 28: 1
Janik, D. S. et al. (1983). Measles from Indiana. Epid & Commun Dis Bul (Ak) Aug 27; 18: 1
Koss, J. et al. (1983). Hepatitis A outbreak in Anchorage - Its tip and its totality. Epid & Commun Dis Bul (Ak) Jan 27; 3: 1
Hodson, I. J., Janik, D. S., and Bantz, D. N. (1983). Health education in an ambulatory medical setting. Clin Res Feb; 31: 114
Janik, D. S. et al. (1982). Simple method for defining a health care database in anticipation of computerization. Clin Res Feb; 30: 121
Janik, D. S. et al. (1981). Computerized EMS transport evaluation. Proc Am Pub Hlth Assn Nov; 109: 161
Wyman, M. L. et al. (1981). Feasibility of neonatal transport by helicopter. Clin Res Feb; 29: 119
Janik, D. S.and Sharp, E. M. (1980). The Cetus System 100: A practical NICU computer system. Proc Nat Conf Perinatal Data Sys (Wi) Sept; 1: 224
Janik, D. S. et al. (1980). Microcomputer-based clinical information system. Comp & Med Jan/Feb; 8: 8
Janik, D. S. et al. (1979). Practical, microcomputer-based patient data recording, reporting and research. Abstr Soc Comp Med Nov; 1: 32
Janik, D. S. et al. (1979). Online realtime microcomputer clinical data recording, reporting and
research. Proc Comp Appl Med Care Oct; 3: 319, also available as Adobe.pdf download.
Janik, D. S. et al. (1979). A microprocessor-computer system for recording, reporting and abstracting data for newborn intensive care units (NICUs). Clin Res Feb; 27: 105
Janik, D. S., Swarner, O. W. and Centerwall, W. R. (1979). The changing pattern of newborn intensive care referrals. Clin Res Feb; 27: 125
Swarner, O. W. et al. (1979). An epidemic of hyperbilirubinemia analyzed via a computerized neonatal data system. Clin Res Feb; 27: 106
Janik, D. S. et al. (1978). A computerized, physician-operable clinical data base inquiry, abstraction and summary system. Proc Soc Comp Med Oct; 8: 2.3.6
Janik, D. S. et al. (1978). A pseudo-online computerized clinical data recording and reporting system for high-risk newborns. Proc Soc Compu Med Oct; 8: 2.5.5
Janik, D. S., Swarner, O. W. and Centerwall, W. R.(1978). Computerized case occurrence rates (COR) and case fatality rates (CFR) of genetic disease in the newborn intensive care nursery. Clin Res Feb; 26: 187
Janik, D. S., Swarner, O. W. and Quilligan, J. J. (1978). Computerized case occurrence rates (COR) and case fatality rates (CFR) of infectious disease in the newborn intensive care nursery. Clin Res Feb; 26: 187
Janik, D. S., Swarner, O. W. and Quilligan, J. J. (1977). Increased physician efficiency in the intensive care nursery with a single entry of data and computerized production of forms, summaries and letters. Ped Res Apr; 11: 378
Janik, D. S., Swarner, O. W. and Mace, J. W. (1977). A computer-assisted single entry method for recording and reporting data in high-risk infants. Clin Res Feb; 25: 178
Janik, D. S. et al. (1976). Penicillin resistant pneumococcal meningitis in an immunocompromised infant. Clin Res Feb; 24: 184
Janik, Daniel S. (2013). The Turtle Dances. Honolulu: Savant. Animals, Animals, Animals Book Festival Award.
Janik, D. S. (2013). "Danny's Song (1992)" in Bellwether Messages: 2013 Savant Poetry Anthology. Honolulu, Savant.
Janik, D. S. (2013). "Danny's Song (2000)" in Bellwether Messages: 2013 Savant Poetry Anthology. Honolulu, Savant.
Janik, D. (writing under the pseudonym of Gary Martine). (2012). Kingsley & I Reloaded. Delaware: On-Demand Publishing.
Janik, D. S. (2012). "Hot Licks" in Fifty-Eight Stones: 2012 Savant Poetry Anthology. Honolulu: Savant.
Janik, D. S. (2011). "More Mine, Complete" in Wavelengths: 2011 Savant Poetry Anthology. Honolulu: Savant.
Janik, D. S. (2011). "Hard Times" in Wavelengths: 2011 Savant Poetry Anthology. Honolulu: Savant.
Janik, D. S. (2011). "Cupid" in Wavelengths: 2011 Savant Poetry Anthology. Honolulu: Savant.
Janik, D. S. (2011). "Pathway" in Wavelengths: 2011 Savant Poetry Anthology. Honolulu: Savant.
Janik, D. S. (2010). "She" in Oliver, Z. M. (Ed). First Breath: 2010 Savant Anthology of Poems. Honolulu: Savant
Janik, D. S. (2010). "Exogenicity" In Oliver, Z. M. (Ed). First Breath: 2010 Savant Anthology of Poems. Honolulu: Savant
Janik, D. S. (2010). "Unnamed" In Oliver, Z. M. (Ed). First Breath: 2010 Savant Anthology of Poems. Honolulu: Savant
Janik, D. S. (2010). "Hard Times" In Oliver, Z. M. (Ed). First Breath: 2010 Savant Anthology of Poems. Honolulu: Savant
Janik, D. S. (2009). A Whale’s Tale. Honolulu: Savant. Hollywood Book Festival Award.
Janik, D. (writing under the pseudonym of Gaynor, R. with Maltese, W.). (2009). Total Meltdown. New York: Wildside/Borgo
Janik, D. (2009). "No Shoes Allowed" In Favourite Memories. London: Noble House
Janik, D. (writing under the pseudonym of Martine, G.). (2009). Kingsley & I Together. New York: MLR
Janik, D. S. (2008). Last and Final Harvest. Honolulu: Savant
Janik, D. S. (2008). The Illustrated Middle Earth. Honolulu: Savant
Janik, D. S. (2008). Footprints, Smiles and Little White Lies. Honolulu: Savant
Janik, D. (writing under the pseudonym of Gary Martine). (2008). Kingsley & I. New York: MLR
Janik, D. (2007). "Water Faucet Man" in The Best Poems and Poets of 2007. Owings Mils: International Library of Poetry
Janik, D. S. (2007). "Ministry of Peace" in Immortal Verse 2007. Owings Mills: International Library of Poetry
Janik, D. S.. (2006). "Ministry of Peace" in Sound of Poetry (CD). Owings Mills: International Library of Poetry
Janik, D. S. (2005). Sourdough Scott’s Beditme Fairy Tales from Alaska. Anchorage: Publication Consultants
Janik, D. S. (1968). Everyway. Park J (no vol): 46
"Transformative Learning in a Graduate Level Classroom: A Third Party Empirical Observation" presented by Nick Gworzdziewycz, M.A. with a video forward by Daniel S. Janik before the Innovation in Teaching Conference, SEAMEO RETRAC, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 14-15 Jul 2011.
"Transformative Mentorship" presented before the Neurobiological Learning Society, Honolulu, HI 3 Jan 2011.
"Pre-Discovery and the Popping Out Phenomenon" presented before the Neurobiological Learning Society, Honolulu, HI 3 Nov 2010.
"Foundations of Transformative Learning" presented before the Argosy Univ Student Government Association, Honolulu, HI 13 Sept 2010.
"Transformative Behavior" presented before the Neurobiological Learning Society, Honolulu, HI 3 Feb 2010.
“Assessing Transformative Learning” presented before the Neurobiological Learning Society, Honolulu, HI 7 Jan 2009.
“Freud’s Legacy to Transformative Learning” presented before the Neurobiological Learning Society, Honolulu, HI 3 Dec 2008.
“The Role of Oxytocin in Learning and Memory” presented before the Neurobiological Learning Society, Honolulu, HI 5 Nov 2008
“What Every Language Teacher Should Know about the Brain” presented before the Neurobiological Learning Society, Honolulu, HI 4 Jun 2008.
“Sensational Neurobiology” presented before the Neurobiological Learning Society, Honolulu, HI 6 Feb 2008.
“Critical Learning Periods” presented before the Neurobiological Learning Society, Honolulu, HI 2 Jan 2008.
“American Academic English” presented at the Sunlin College of Nursing Pohang ROK Hawaii Seminar, Honolulu, HI 21 Dec 2007.
“English for Health Professionals” presented at the Sunlin College of Nursing Pohang ROK Hawaii Seminar, Honolulu, HI 21 Dec 2007.
“Teaching and the transformative Learning Classroom” presented before the Neurobiological Learning Society, Honolulu, HI 29 May 2007.
“What Should Every Language Teacher Know About the Brain and How it Affects Teaching” keynote presentation before Vikipeda 2007, University of Helsinki, Finland, 21 May 2007.
“Transforming teaching from Data/Information to Knowledge/Wisdom Acquisition - A Few Practical Exercises to Make the Paradigm Shift” Workshop Presenter at Vikipeda 2007, University of Helsinki, Finland, 21 May 2007.
“The Neurobiological Foundations of Teaching and Learning - Towards Development of a Unified Neurobiological (‘Brain-Based’) Theory of Learning” presented at the Hawaii Pacific University (HPU) Faculty Scholarship Day Meeting, HPU Hawai’i Loa Campus, Hawaii, 18 Jan 2006.
“Neurobiology of Learning Update” presented before the Neurobiological learning Society, Honolulu, HI, 8 Jan 2006.
“The Neuroanatomy of Learning” presented before the Neurobiological Learning Society, Honolulu, HI, 18 Sept 06.
“Applying Neurobiological Learning in the Classroom, Small Groups, Tutoring Situations and by Distance” presented before the Neurobiological Learning Society, Honolulu, HI, 24 Jul 06.
“Neurobiological Learning and the Transformational Way” presented before the Neurobiological Learning Society, Honolulu, HI, 26 Jun 06.
“Unlocking the Genius Within: Neurobiological Trauma, Teaching and Transformative Learning” poster presentation at 2006 Hawaii TESOL Conference, Kapiolani Community College, Honolulu, HI, 18 Feb 06.
“Language and the Brain - Neurolinguistics” presented as part of Linguistics 302 [Language, Society and the Individual] at Brigham Young University, Laie, HI, 8 Sept 05.
“Neurobiological Learning: Trauma, Teaching and the Second Learning Pathway” presented at the monthly Instructor’s Continuing Professional Education Meeting, Intercultural Communications College, Honolulu, HI, 29 Apr 05.
“An Introduction to Neurobiologically-based Learning” presented as part of Linguistics 423 [Language Acquisition] at Brigham Young University Hawaii, Laie, HI, 10 Mar 05.
“The Anatomy of Learning” presented before the Neurobiological Learning Society, Honolulu, HI, 7 Mar 05.
“Neurobiological Learning: Trauma, Teaching and the Second Learning Pathway” presented at the monthly Instructor’s Continuing Professional Education Meeting, Intercultural Communications College, Honolulu, HI, 29 Apr 05.
“An Introduction to Neurobiologically-based Learning” presented as part of Linguistics 423 [Language Acquisition] at Brigham Young University Hawaii, Laie, HI, 10 Mar 05.
“The Anatomy of Learning” presented before the Neurobiological Learning Society, Honolulu, HI, 7 Mar 05.
“Transformational Learning: A Second Learning Pathway?” presented at the Linguistics Department Invited Public Lecture Forum at Brigham Young University Hawaii, Laie, HI, 10 Mar 05.
“Description and some Implications of Neurobiologically-based Language Acquisition” presented at the Linguistics Departmental Tuesday Seminar Series at University of Hawaii at Manoa, 8 Feb 05.
“The Brain and Language” presented before the Neurobiological Learning Society, Honolulu, HI, 7 Feb 05.
“The Brain and Language” presented as part of Linguistics 201 ( Introduction to Linguistics) at Brigham Young University Hawaii, Laie, HI, 20 Jan 05.
“ A Brief History and Description of Neurobiological and Transformational Learning Theory” presented at the 2005 International Conference on Internet, Processing, sstems, and Interdisciplinary Research (IPSI), Hilo, HI, 6 Jan 2005.
“Neurobiological and Transformational Learning in Linguisitcs” presented at the Vendor/Poster Session of the Southwest Assocaition for Language Learning Technology (SWALLT), Brigham Young University Hawaii, Laie, HI, 26-27 Nov 04.
“Neurobiological Learning and Language Acquisition” presented at the monthly Faculty and Students Linguistic Seminar, Brigham Young University Hawaii, Laiea, HI, 12 Oct 04.
“TOEFL Preparation, College Preparation, College Studies” presented before the 2003 Joint Hawaii Association of Language Teachers - Hawaii Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages Conference, Honolulu, HI, 22 Feb 03.
“Medical and Public Health Aspects of Space Life Support for a Long Duration Human Presence in Space" presented for Grand Rounds, University of Hawaii John A. Burns School of Medicine, Honolulu HI, 19 Aug 97.
63 Elementary and High School classroom presentations on ecology, environment, conservation, biospherics and water quality as part of the Kaiaka-Waialua Hydrologic Unit Area Project Classroom Augmentation Project (CAP), various sites on Oahu HI, 94 to 96.
"Terrestrial and Interplanetary Biospherics" presented as part of Introduction to Astronomy (ASTR111), University of Hawaii Leeward Community College, Pearl City HI, 13 Feb 96
"Planetary Biospherics" presented as part of Introduction to Astronomy (ASTR111), University of Hawaii Leeward Community College, Pearl City HI, 6 Feb 96
"Biospherics" presented as part of Ecobotany Core Course, United States Army Component of Chaminade University, Schofield Barracks HI 23 Jan 96
"Method of Field Sampling for Fresh, Estuarial, Embayment and Coastal Marine Waters," presented as part of 1995 Interagency Water Quality Education Association, Honolulu HI 30 Sept 95
"Field-Tested Environmental Education Precepts and Strategies" presented to USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service visiting faculty (Puerto Rico), Wahiawa HI, 26 July 95.
"Land Use and Aquatic Ecology" presented as part of Environment and Urbanization, University of Hawaii Manoa College of Business Administration, Honolulu HI, 17 Jul 95.
"Environmental Toxicology" presented as part of Environment, Resources and Society (GEOG 326), University of Hawaii Manoa School of Sociology, Honolulu HI, 12 Jul 95.
"Water Science and Scientists" presented at the Energy Fair, Hickam AFB HI, 26-27 Apr 95.
"Non-Point Source Water Pollution" presented live on Hawaii Department of Education's Educational Channel 26 "Exploring the Islands: Humans and the Environment: You Can Make A Difference," Honolulu HI, 11 Apr 95.
"Living and Working in Space" presented as part of Introduction to Astronomy (ASTR 111), University of Hawaii Leeward Community College, Pearl City HI, 23 Feb 95.
"A Volunteer Monitoring Program in the Kaiaka-Waialua Bay Watershed Area" presented before the Annual Meeting of the Hawaii Chapter Soil and Water Conservation Society, 13 Jan 95.
"How do We Value Water?" presented before the Wahiawa-Waialua Rotary Club, Wahiawa HI, 19 Nov 94.
"Watershed Management" presented as part of Agriculture and the Environment (AGRS 630), University of Hawaii at Manoa College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, Honolulu HI 3 Nov 94.
"Vanishing Habitats and Plants" presented at Helemano Elementary School Earth Expo, Honolulu HI 14 Oct 94.
"Water Quality Results and Strategies within the Kaiaka-Waialua Hydrologic Unit Area Project" presented at the Hawaii Bar Association Natural Resources Section Monthly Meeting, 21 Sept 94.
"KW HUA Classroom Augmentation Project (CAP)" presented at the University of Hawaii at Manoa College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources Water Quality & Environmental Education Workshop, Honolulu HI, 13 Sept 94.
"KW HUA Natural Resources Assessment and Action Project (RAP)" presented at the University of Hawaii at Manoa College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources Water Quality & Environmental Education Workshop, Honolulu HI, 13 Sept 94.
"North Shore Natural Resources Assessment and Action" presented at the University of Hawaii Leeward Community College Marine Option Program Meeting, Pearl City HI 6 Sept 94.
"Natural Resources Assessment and Action Program (KW HUA RAP)" presented before Hawaii Environmental Education Association Conference on Environmental Education, University of Hawaii Hilo, 12 Aug 94.
"Water Quality and Hawaii's Environmental 'Health'" presented before the Wahiawa Lion's Club, Wahiawa HI, 3 Nov 93.
"Water Quality on the North Shore" presented before the Wahiawa Neighborhood Board #26, Wahiawa HI 18 Oct 93.
"Groundwater Contamination in the Kaiaka-Waialua Area" presented before the North Shore Neighborhood Board #27, Haleiwa HI, 28 Sept 93.
"What's Happening to Our Water Supply?" presented before the United States Army Schofield Barracks Women's Coffee, 17 Aug 93.
"Environmental Epidemiology" presented as part of the Environmental and Hazardous Waste Risk Management Graduate Lecture Series, University of California, Berkeley CA, 1 Oct 92.
"Importance and Applications of Terrestrial Ecological and Biospheric Research" presented at the Annual Meeting of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Life Support, Biosphere II, Tucson AZ, 25 Sept 92.
"Reclaiming Products of Potential Commercial Valuable from Plant Transpiration Waters: Implications for Public Health on Earth and in Space" presented at Environmental Determinants of Health Seminar, University of Hawaii School of Public Health, Manoa HI, 3 March 92.
"Preliminary Assessment of Biologically-Reclaimed Water" presented at the Intersociety Conference on Environmental Systems, San Francisco CA, 12 July 91.
"Building a Human Space Exploration Program to Address Present Terrestrial Concerns" presented at Kensington Community Center, Kensington CA, 27 March 91.
"The USSR Human Space Exploration Effort" presented at Kensington Community Center, Kensington CA, 20 March 91.
"Biospherics (Spaceship Earth)" presented at Kensington Community Center, Kensington CA, 13 March 91.
"The US Human Space Exploration Effort" presented at Kensington Community Center, Kensington CA, 27 Feb 91.
"Life Support Research Issues I & II" (AL-4.01-LS, AL-4.02-LS), presented for Advanced Lectures Series, Space Life Sciences Department, International Space University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 8 Aug 90.
"Engineering Testbed for Biological Water/Air Reclamation and Recycling" presented at the Intersociety Conference on Environmental Systems, Williamsburg VA, 12 July 90.
"Quality Assessment of Plant Transpiration Water" presented at the Intersociety Conference on Environmental Systems, Williamsburg VA, 12 July 90.
"Human Subjects Concerns in Ground Based ECLSS Testing: Managing Uncertainty in Closely Recycled Systems" presented at the Intersociety Conference on Environmental Systems, Williamsburg VA, 12 July 90.
"A Report of the Aerospace Medicine and Engineering Delegations to the USSR, April and May l990" presented at the Intersociety Conference on Environmental Systems, Williamsburg VA, 13 July 90.
"Recycled Water" presented before a special, combined meeting of the USSR Academy of Sciences and Institute of Biomedical Problems, Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center, Star City, Russia, USSR, 13 Apr 90.
"Crew Life Support" presented for Space Systems Seminar, Naval Postgraduate Institute, Monterey CA, 7 Nov 89.
"Soviet Research on Biospherics and Closed Ecological Life Support Systems" presented for Life Sciences Colloquium, University of Alabama Huntsville Consortium for Space Life Sciences, Huntsville AL, 19 Oct 89.
"Recycling Water" presented at Environmental Health Seminar, School of Public Health, University of Alabama, Birmingham AL, 20 Oct 89.
"Use of Plants for Reclaiming Potable Water and as Paradigms for Human Recycling" presented before the International Workshop on Closed Ecological Systems, Krasnoyarsk, USSR, 15 Sept 89.
"Higher Plants for Production of Potable Water and as Human Water Recycling Paradigms" presented for the University of Tennessee Botany Department Graduate Seminar, Knoxville TN, 31 Aug 89.
"Role of the Navy in Manned Space Exploration" presented before the Naval Medical Unit P2067A PRIMUS, San Francisco CA, 21 Aug 89.
"Problems in Water Recycling for Space Station and Long Duration Life Support" presented at the Intersociety Conference on Environmental Systems, San Diego CA, 26 Jul 89.
"An Overview of Life Support Needs for Space Station and Beyond" presented for the UAH Mechanical Engineering Graduate Seminar, University of Alabama, Huntsville AL, 25 Feb 89.
"Special Problems of Water Purification in Space Travel" presented for Consortium for Space Life Sciences Seminar, University of Alabama, Huntsville AL, 29 Nov 88.
"Closed Life Support Systems (CLSS)" presented for Space Systems Seminar, Naval Postgraduate Institute, Monterey CA, 15 Nov 88.
"Use of Plants for Life Support" presented for Life Sciences Medical Seminar, NASA-Johnson Space Center, Houston TX, 7 Nov 88.
"Biomedical Effects of Iodine Disinfection Products in Spacecraft Water" presented for Environmental Health Seminar, University of Texas School of Public Health, Houston TX, 8 Nov 88.
"Effects of Iodine Disinfected Water on Soy Bean Seed Germination" presented before the American Society of Space Biology, Washington DC, 21 Oct 88.
"Problems with Potable Water Disinfection for Spacecraft" presented at Life Sciences Directorate Programs Office Seminar, NASA-Ames Research Center, Moffet Field CA, 13 Sept 88.
"Effects of Iodine Disinfection Products on Higher Plants" presented before the International Committee on Space Research, Helsinki, Finland, 18-29 Jul 88.
"Biomedical Effects of Iodine Disinfection Products" presented at Life Sciences Directorate Biological Seminar, NASA-Ames Research Center, Moffet Field CA, 10 May 88.
"Biomedical Significance of Microbial Growth in Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) Beds " presented at Progress in Chemical Disinfection IV Meeting, SUNY-Binghamton NY, 11-13 Apr 88.
"Summary of NRC Research on Biomedical Requirements and Water Quality Specifications for Recycled Space Station Water" presented at Life Sciences Directorate Medical Seminar, NASA-Johnson Space Center, Houston TX, 18 Dec 87.
"Controlling Confounding Environmental Factors for Spaceflight Microgravity Experiments" presented before the American Society for Gravitational and Space Biology, Logan UT, 20 Oct 87.
"Report of NRC Research on Biomedical Requirements and Water Quality Specifications for Recycling Spacecraft Water: Controlling organics in Reclaimed, Recycled, Space Station Water" presented at National Research Council/NASA-Life Sciences Directorate Postdoctoral Research Seminar, NASA-Johnson Space Center, Houston TX, 25 Sept 87.
"Medical Effects of Iodine Disinfection Products in Spacecraft Water" presented at the Intersociety Conference on Environmental Systems, Seattle WA, Jul 87.
"Advanced Methods for Determining Water Quality" presented before the Department of Health and Human Services, Anchorage AK, Jun 87.
"Reproductive Effects of Air Pollutants" presented before the Family Planning Section, Department of Health and Human Services, Anchorage AK, Feb 87.
"Medical Effects of Air Pollution" presented before the Department of Health and Human Services, Anchorage AK, Feb 87.
"Ambient Air Contaminants in Anchorage, Alaska, and Their Medical Effects" presented before the Anchorage Metropolitan Area Transportation Planning Committee, Anchorage AK, Jun 86.
"Septic Soup: Composition of Near-Arctic Septic Tank Effluent and Its Effect on Groundwater Quality" presented at the Anchorage Waterways Council Public Forum on Household Septic Systems and Groundwater, Anchorage AK, Jun 86.
"Public Health Priorities of Near-Arctic, Emerging Urban Areas: The Municipality of Anchorage" presented before the Alaska Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Anchorage AK, May 86.
"Ventilation, Atmospheric Revitalization and Air Contaminant Monitoring and Control on US Fast-Attack Submarines" presented before the Naval Submarine Medical Research Laboratory (NSMRL), Naval Submarine Base - New London, Groton CT, Nov 85.
"Mutual Research Interests of Naval, NASA and University of Utah (Rocky Mountain Center) Biomedical Research Groups" presented before NSMRL, Groton CT, Nov 85.
"Medical Effects of Ambient Air Pollution" presented at Occupational/Environmental Medicine Grand Rounds, University of Utah Medical Center, SLC UT, Oct 85.
"A Methodology for Defining Reclaimed Water Potability Requirements for Long-Duration, Closed
Life Support with emphasis on the US Space Station" presented at Summer Faculty Biomedical Research Seminar, NASA/Johnson Space Center, Houston TX, Aug 85.
"Medical Aspects of Indoor Air Pollution" presented at Occupational/Environmental Medicine Grand Rounds, University of Utah Medical Center, SLC UT, Feb 85.
"Medical Effects of Indoor Air Pollution" presented before Naval Environmental and Preventive
Medicine Unit 5, San Diego CA, Oct 84.
"Medical Effects of Indoor Air Pollution" presented before Naval Reserve Unit EPMU5 DET 219, San Diego CA, Oct 84.
"Developing a Naval Epidemiology Surveillance System" presented before Naval Environmental and Preventive Medicine Unit 7, Naples Italy, Sept 84.
"Indoor Air Pollution" presented at the Governor's Safety and Health Conference, Anchorage AK, Sept 84.
"Computers and Public Health - Whence Cometh Madness?" presented before the Canadian Public Health Association, Calgary Alberta Canada, June 84.
"Critical Analysis of Public Health Computing within the Anchorage Municipal Health Department" presented at the University of Alaska Symposium on Alaskan Health Research and Information Systems, Anchorage AK, Apr 84.
"Computerizing the Medical Record" presented at the Providence Hospital Continuing Medical Education Symposium, Anchorage AK, Dec 83.
"Medical Computing: A New Language? Understanding the Terminology" presented at the Providence Hospital Continuing Medical Education Symposium, Anchorage, AK Dec 83.
"Medical Computing: An Historical Perspective" presented at the Providence Hospital Continuing Medical Education Symposium, Anchorage AK, Dec 83.
"The Cost of Medical Computing" presented before the World Congress on Medical Informatics, Amsterdam, Netherlands Aug 83.
"Neonatal Computing" presented at the Alaska Newborn Project Perinatal Symposium, Anchorage AK, Mar 83.
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