I am also completing a prequil to "Unlock the Genius Within" (Rowman & Littlefield Education) entitled "Discovering the Genius Within."  In it, I will delve further into the roots of both traumatic and transformative learning, and the current literature that supports curiosity-based, discovery-driven, mentor-assisted transformative learning over contemporary teaching.  At the same time, I'm working on a sequel to "Unlock the Genius Within" entitled "Nurturing the Genius Within" that will cover the practical side of transformative learning:  pedagogy, curriculum, syllabi, resources, assessment and evaluation, adding my own in-class observations in applying transforamtive learning techniques in the classroom.  Many have asked me "Can it really be done?" and "What exactly does a transformative learning environment look and feel like?"  These and similiar issues will be specifically addressed in "Nurturing the Genius Within."  Both are scheduled for 2010 through Savant Books. 

Translation for 140 languages by ALS

Unlock the Genius Within:
Neurobiological Trauma, Teaching and Transformational Learning
Rowman & Littlefield Education, 2005
180pp. Fully indexed. ISBN 1-57886-291-4

2007 Eric Hoffer Award
2007 Neurobiological Learning Society Choice Award

Daniel S. Janik, MD, PhD, argues replacing contemporary teaching with non-traumatic, curiosity-based, discovery-driven, mentor-assisted, transformational learning. Unlock the Genius Within is an easy read that explains—in a conversational manner—the newest ideas on neurobiological and transformational learning beginning with what's wrong with education and ending with a call for reader participation in developing and applying neurobiological learning and transformational learning theory and methodology. Janik draws extensively from his own experiences first as a physician working with psychological recovery from trauma, and then as an educator and linguist in applying neurobiologically-based transformational learning in clinics, classrooms, and tutoring.  Featuring:

· Descriptions of classical and contemporary research alongside allusions to popular movies and television programs

· Suggested further readings

· Neurobiologically-based transformative learning web resources

Throughout the work, the author incorporates humor, wisdom, and anecdotes to effectively assist readers in understanding neurobiological concepts and information that demonstrate transformational learning. This work will be of interest to teachers (postsecondary, secondary, pre-secondary and ESL), administrators, counselors, parents, students, and researchers.


"a new look at how humans acquire language and knowledge" —Billie Day, Global TeachNet

"seeks transformative solutions from within a realistically finite biology rather than a[n]...infinite technology...thought provoking reading for 21st century educators" -Dr. Robert Sylwester, Prof Emeritus (Education), University of Oregon.

"Janik describes his neurobiological theory of learning using a minimum of technical jargon...he identifies some basic principles of effective learning and suggests how they may be applied in a wide range of educational settings."—Reference & Research News

"[A] topic of extreme importance, yet there is no proper coverage of the subject in the open literature...I personally will use this book in my graduate teaching."—V. Milutinovic, PhD, University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia

"[Dr. Janik] has theory and practice a quantum leap ahead...thought-provoking, eye-opening, and immensely immersive. I will personally recommend it to all my language colleagues and to our future student teachers."—Dr. Seppo Tella, Professor of Foreign Language Education, Director of the Research Center for Foreign Language Education, Department of Applied Sciences of Education, University of Helsinki, Finland

"Informative, educative, stimulating, and fun to read...especially fascinating and helpful to someone like myself, a language teacher who teaches language and at the same time studies it academically."—Yoichiro Hasebe, Language and Communication Department, Tokushima Bunri University, Japan

"The concepts put forth are applicable to today's students and their unique needs. . . . This book is a tool that will take them beyond trying to actually succeeding. As I read, I was conscious of an overwhelming feeling of 'I wish I had known that.' I can see this book revolutionizing education as we know it."—Judith M. Ireton, MEd., Anchorage School District, Anchorage Alaska (retired)

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